Tuesday, March 9, 2010

This is why

Not to long ago, my amazing and creative son brought my attention to the new video he put together of our family's recent trip to San Francisco. I was totally enjoying it, reminiscing the all the fun we had and beautiful places we went to. Then an image of me popped up. Instant deflation... I was completely and utterly devastated when I realized that I have turned into one of those dancing elephants from Dumbo! (just not near as graceful or talented on my toes).

Needless to say, I spent the next day feeling like I was in the depths of despair, curled up on my couch, wrapped up tightly in my perfectly perfect blanket that Ben gave me a few years ago for Christmas... oh how I LOVE that blanket!... It's so soft and warm and cozy, the best gift EVER... oh ya, back on topic. I was a mess. Something needed to be done, and I mean something drastic. If not, I might as well just lock myself in my closet and throw away the key.

But what to do? I have tried to do it right, eat healthy and exercise, and hey, I do great! After a month of good hard work, I lose around ten pounds, I feel pretty good about myself, and then BAM!!! I have a bad day, and gain eight pounds back!!! Can you say, "horrible-good-for-nothin-why-am-I-doing-this-its-all-just-a-waste-of-time-and-I-totally-suck-and-will-never-be-thin-again!" I've tried the Weight Watchers, the gym and the personal trainer, etc. etc... they all work for other people... what is wrong with me?

It was in those dark and dreary moments, wrapped in my best-blanket-above-all-other-blankets that I saw a dim flicker of light. HCG... HCG... HCG...

You see, I have this super cool friend who is going to school so she can be a nurse when she grows up. For the past year she has been going on and on and on about this really fantastic new weight loss craze that one of her super cool friends is using. "And Shanna,"she croons, "I swear!!! She looks amazing!!!! It really works!!! yadee yadee ya".

Hmmm..... it's a light. Go towards the light Shanna, Go towards the light!

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